
17 Mei 2011

how to kiss

the french kiss French kissing involves tongue contact, and there's really no right or wrong way to do it. But there certainly are plenty of preferences! You'll find out exactly what boys want from a girl and what girls want from a boy on our new DVD, which contains more than forty minutes of instruction on how to french kiss. french kiss The problem with many films, such as Try Seventeen (also known as All I Want) (2002), starring Mandy Moore and Elijah Wood, is that their french kisses really only show you the exterior of the mouth. How can you tell what's going on inside? No way to do it! This is a fine french kiss, but what are they actually doing with their tongues? You've got to look at movies like Cry Baby (1990) or Two Girls and a Guy (1997) to see the tongues in action. For example in Cry Baby, Johnny Depp can actually be seen sucking the tongue of Amy Locane, and in Two Girls and a Guy, Robert Downey Jr. can actually be seen flicking tongues with Heather Graham. And yet even in these films the french kisses are unnatural, filmed in an exterior manner (that is, with the tongues outside the mouth), so that the audience can see what the tongues are doing. The only movie that really shows a french kiss is The Art of Kissing (2001) because it takes you right inside the mouth. Yes, the camera goes inside a mouth so that you can see a perfectly natural french kiss from the inside. In fact, when you see it you'll be right in there too, along with both tongues, and you'll see everything the tongues can do in a 100 percent  read more.....http://ilmukahwin.blogspot.com/2006/11/how-to-kiss.html

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